



Privacy Policy

The Sacramento County Office of Education provides services and tools for worldwide use of online lessons for adult learners, the creation and management of classes composed of adult learners, and the maintenance of records of class and individual learner performance on the website usalearns.org (the Site). By accessing and using usalearns.org, you grant your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of information as described below. Note that our Privacy Policy may change in the future. Access and use of the Site in the future also constitutes consent to collect, use, and disclose information as described below or based on any additional or other terms added or substituted in the future. We encourage you to check back periodically to review the current Privacy Policy.

Who gets the information collected?

The Sacramento County Office of Education ( the SCOE) ? respects the privacy of the Site users, and does not sell, rent, or otherwise provide personal information to third parties. Unless specifically stated otherwise, any information provided by you or otherwise collected is used only by usalearns.org as described below. However, there may be links on the Site that go to websites owned and/or operated by third parties who may have different privacy policies. You, and not The Sacramento County Office of Education, are responsible for knowing and understanding the privacy policies of third party websites before providing them with personal information.

Be aware that any personal information you might disclose, including performance records of Learners or Students, in the process of using the courses, units, lessons, and activities provided on the Site should be considered public information even though some of this information is accessible only with proper sign-in identification. The Sacramento County Office of Education encourages you to be cautious about incorporating personal information in lessons and activities available on the Site.

What kind of information is collected?

The Sacramento County Office of Education currently collects two kinds of information from Site users: individual information and aggregated information.

Individual information includes personal information such as your name, sign-in name and email address. We use this information to establish an individual account, which enables Teachers to create, organize, and maintain their classes and records. This information also allows us to contact you to alert you to Site features and services or to respond to your inquiries.

Aggregated information includes any information that cannot be related to an individual. In order to better understand the needs and preferences of the Site visitors and evaluate the usefulness and popularity of the Site features and services, we may from time to time collect information such as the number of times certain pages or features are accessed, the type of browsers used to access the Site, or the website users visited previously or visited next.

How is information collected?

Information is gathered in several ways. Before teachers can create and maintain a class, they must complete a registration form. This form requires a sign-in name, password, first and last name, and email information. This information makes it possible for teachers to create and organize their classes and records and for us to respond to inquiries or announce new Site tools or features.

Whenever you access the Web on the Internet, an IP address is automatically assigned to your computer. This address allows Web servers to identify your computer (so that information can be exchanged). The IP address does not, however, provide any personal information about (the computer user. anyone who might be using your computer. The IP address is used for system administration, to gather aggregated information on the Site use, and to help you and your Records remain properly connected during and between visits.

While you are visiting the Site, cookies may be sent from our the Site server to your computer. Cookies are small files used to help maintain continuity during and between visits and help keep track of your activities, lessons, classes, and records on the Site. Cookies can also help us determine the most popular pages and features of the Site. Like an IP address, a cookie identifies your a computer, not you or any personal information.

You may be able to configure your Internet browser to refuse cookies or to ask you whether to allow cookies. tell you when a cookie is sent, allowing you to decide whether to accept it or not. However, If you have cookies disabled, refuse, or do not allow cookies to be used during a visit to the Site, you may not be able to use many of the tools and features of the Site.

If you contact the Site through its help or support feature us, we may might keep that your correspondence on file so that we can better respond to comments, questions, or concerns. In order to respond to you directly, we need an email address or other contact information is needed.

Are there any circumstances in which The Sacramento County Office of Education would disclose information to third parties?

Under normal circumstances, the Sacramento County Office of Education does not disclose information to third parties. Exceptional circumstances could include:

  • Protecting the integrity and security of our the USA Learns site
  • Precautions against liability
  • Protection of the safety, rights, or property of users or others
  • Response to requirements of the judicial process or, to the extent permitted by law, requests of law enforcement or public safety agencies

Even in these circumstances, account information is only released if USA Learns believes it to be reasonably necessary. we would release your account information only if we felt it was reasonably necessary.

What security measures are used to protect my personal information?

Access to the Site content and personal information is protected by firewalls, sign-in names, and passwords. However, because the Site does not employ the security measures such as Secure Socket Layers and encryption needed for financial or confidential transactions, we strongly recommend that users not send, copy, or link to the Site any confidential personal or financial information such as bank account, credit card, or social security numbers. While we exercise reasonable care to preserve your privacy and the security of your personal information, no transmission of information over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure. Therefore, we cannot warrant the security of any information transmitted to us and therefore information is transmitted to us at your own risk. We encourage you to exercise discretion in deciding what type of information you include in Activities and Records that you include on the Site.

Therefore, we cannot warrant the security of any information transmitted to the Site. And so, any and all information that is transmitted to USA Learns through the Internet will be at your (the user’s) own risk. We encourage you to exercise discretion in deciding what type of information you include in Registration, Records, and all Writing or Typing Activities that you include on the Site.

Acceptable Use Policy

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The opinions expressed in the Web pages, articles and advertisements included on this website do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Sacramento County Office of Education or its previous funders. The inclusion of resources and advertisements should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any organization or business by the funders, developers or owners of the project.


© 2015 Sacramento County Office of Education

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